Friday, November 30, 2007 ♥
dreamt of flying? loves here.
I shall declare.
My new idol - Korean Typographic design, Ahn Sang-Soo
He was in adm for a seminar today and i was totally in awe with his works.
He's my new god.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007 ♥
Exams are over. Projects are over.
How great.
There's load to do.
Loads coming up.
A month of holiday's practically not enough.
Little bitzies to share:
Little 2D animation that's nicely managed with a little 3D for the mtvs at Japan. Take a look here. It's a series of these bouncy rabbits in prisons.
A-character-a-day. This was my idea for 4D systems project last year! But it didn't work out anyways. And I see that he's just started with the little cutie characters. Take a look!
Friday, November 23, 2007 ♥
wen-shing is leaving.
I don't feel that good.
Oh no. I realise I really prefer matured old man. LOLS. Maybe not old, I like men with clear visions in mind of what they want and know they're in control. Like I freaking cannot stand guys who whines and me and tell me how low confidence they are. I mean, they can be uncertain of course. but list out to me the choices and maybe I can help in any way possible. Tell me what you've done and what you're unsure of doing. Not whine and whine and doesn't even know what options he have. And especially after I encouraged them, they keep bugging me with "I cannot do it I cannot do it". Oh maybe they're just like you know humble. But sometimes I do that you know, like says stuff like "die die die, fail fail fail". But I don't go ON AND ON about how dead I am. I grumble a little and I stop. I might be worried but I dont keep repeating the same words to anyone. ANd especially If you expressed no interest in listening to me, I freaking hell stop. Man, some people really dont get body language. Arghs, cannot stand them.
I mean seriously, get a dream. Advance towards it. Have fun on the way of course. But at least know what you want? Okay maybe I'm being too harsh here. According to jon, some people just wanna whine and have someone too listen to and talk crap when they have totally clear ideas behind the back of their minds on what to do next. They just need to let it out a bit sometimes. ok. Arguement valid. But it's only valid when you dont do it so often.
Actually I can tolerate some people. Hmm... Depending on who it is. I realise I can tolerate some people. But Oh man, I can't really tolerate some childish guys. I mean, I AM childish enough. So i'm like the benchmark, anyone goes below will be categorized under oh-my-god-i-cant-stand-you. But then again, I realise I'm pretty matured when I'm with some peeps and get really crazy and kiddy when I'm with others. Perfectly normal, so maybe this doesn't apply to everyone. But freaking. I admit I am attracted to office man more than a beach boy (but an office boy who beaches sounds good). And boy I realise have a lot of kiddy guy friends around me. HAHA but I do enjoy their company, like a little baby brother you know? But sometimes I get really irritated when I need to encourage and pacify him. And I suddenly have to become more matured to cater to them. Oh this reminds me of my kiddy elder sister who makes me feel much older. o.o Oh wells, this is getting out of topic. The main point is, it irritates me . And suddenly I realise I've grown out of the using baby names and sometimes people who use them irritates me.
And oh I'm learning to stop listening that much and start scolding these people who're wasting their lives moaning. I'm learning to speak my mind. And if you hurt me, I'll freaking kick your butt and tell you in your face that you suck. I wont go home and cry anymore. If I need to cry, I'll freaking cry right there at that moment. Somehow I realize I lack friends whom i can talk about my deep emotions with or maybe the way we looked at life. More in-depth conversations on people and life. Like I can only name a few right now. Some, just don't listen. Some, just scares me.
Oh rights, anyways, just need to vent my anger a bit and produced an entry of random and totally incoherent thoughts.
2 more papers to go next week. I need to bury myself in books.
Labels: guy, relationship
posted for jing
Wednesday, November 14, 2007 ♥
Ye I kow everyone says it's the easiest module ever.
Yes I thought so too.
Therefore I only allocated 24 hours to it (including sleep).
And now I get what I deserve.
A whole good load of almost 10 questions on virus
when I haven't even seen the virus lecture slides at all.
And only a couple of questions on translation transcription when i spent so much time on it.
And they're freaking easy quesntion which everyone should know the answer.
oh golly great. With the help of the bell-curve, I'll score even worst.
Expected grade: C
And i forgot to charge my freakin bluebooth player.
How am II supposed to survive through the night?
Hmmm. Hungry. Who can dinner with me?
Somewhere far far away?
Jst for a while.
Anyways, came across this photographer's site
Gosh. you know some times there's just things that make you wanna live a little longer no matter where you are, what you are feeling, or what you're goning throught.
This is one of them.
Depeche Mode - Somebody
I want somebody to share
Share the rest of my life
Share my innermost thoughts
Know my intimate details
Someone who'll stand by my side
And give me support
And in return
She'll get my support
She will listen to me
When I want to speak
About the world we live in
And life in general
Though my views may be wrong
They may even be perverted
She'll hear me out
And won't easily be converted
To my way of thinking
In fact she'll often disagree
But at the end of it all
She will understand me
I want somebody who cares
For me passionately
With every thought and
With every breath
Someone who'll help me see things
In a different light
All the things I detest
I will almost like
I don't want to be tied
To anyone's strings
I'm carefully trying to steer clear of
Those things
But when I'm asleep
I want somebody
Who will put their arms around me
And kiss me tenderly
Though things like this
Make me sick
In a case like this
I'll get away with it
And in a place like this
I'll get away with it
Tuesday, November 13, 2007 ♥
Friday, November 09, 2007 ♥
bugholzbadewannen's Transparent glass bathtubs.
nice. I still remember coming into adm
wating to practice in product design
wating to practice in product design
but only to back out after a semester's attempt on 3D
It's not my thing, I figured.
I can't sit in the technical lab whole day doing filing.
So ya, I rather sit infront of computers.
As planned, I woke up at 5am today.
Alright alright I did dily-dallied a bit
but i still did manage to get myself out of bed alrights.
Saw lam and salina at the open lab doing their graphic design.
And it got me a little excited.
I kept turning around to peep at them
imagining how my new semester will be like.
Imagining me dealing with swrils and flamboyant colours.
In love.
And vid, get well soon will ya? mentally and physically (:
I'm a friend too.
neat freaks.
Thursday, November 08, 2007 ♥
I realized a matter-of-fact.
That i'm actually obsessed with neat freaks.
Like other girls are attracted to rich or cooking guys,
I'm attracted to neat and clean guys.
Not in dressing wise,
(Of course he can't have spinach stuck in his teeth whole day and wear the same pair of jeans for a week)
But household wise.
Almost all guys who have organized rooms get an extra 50points on their score sheet.
random: I'm totally obsessed with the colours of voguegirl photoshoot and I'm gonna make myself a lunch bag after exams.
Labels: guy, life, relationship
jack & jill went
Wednesday, November 07, 2007 ♥
... to the black market.
I'm really excited about this.
I'll try to get a car, no promises though.
My Dears, you're invited. shall we be out?
There's so many things I want these days.
A DSLR, macbook/mac desktop, wacom.
Speaking of DSLR, there's a really cool review here by HOW
and it'll prolly help if you're looking for one too.
And gosh, i'm so amazed/amused by makemylogobigger.com
All I can say it's they're really smart
I mean, I'm definitely attracted to it if I'm a client.
And the promotional video's really corny.
Labels: camera, design, fashion, flea market
Tuesday, November 06, 2007 ♥
I'm so totally in love with the Vienna choir boys.
Missed it yesterday in the theaters
partly because I need to go to school
And partly because there's no one to go with me.
Kinda regretted it now and it feels like fish bone stuck in throat.
Here's some to quench my thirst.
*Do pause the bg music (on the left hand column)before playing them.
More other audio here.
Took a break with youtube and coffee.
(: lols
madness stacko.
She must have spent her past few years of her life doing nothing but stacking
Exciting project.
Gosh Now I feel like repainting my room.
Shall do that after exams.
Yes. shall do it.
Monday, November 05, 2007 ♥
visual communications.
The excitement will start next semester.
I've fully transformed the dining table into my work table
and has perfectly made a mess out of it.
It's getting a little unbearable.
Time to pack.
Sunday, November 04, 2007 ♥
Read this - How to have an amazing day by Craig Harper
I like no. 2 and 4 and 9 the most.
OH and i realise they're kinda similar.
hmmm and yes I do a lot of no 10. No wonder my work's so not effective
Thinking and not doing equates to not doing anything.
I must get that deep into my brains.
oooohhhh my favourite bitzy
"Smile when there's no need"
I shall do that today. LOLS
Labels: happy, motivational
I'm getting used to the routine.
Getting up at 5am
Leaving the house for school at 5:30.
Sometimes I'll drive.
Sometimes I don't
If I do, I'll bring along my laptop
If I don't I'll not bring a lot of stuffs.
If I do, I'll make myself instant coffee in school.
If I don't, I'll get some coffee at the interchange.
I had a realisation this morning,
that my coffee has no aroma at all.
It's perhaps why it taste so sucky too.
Can't expect much from cheap coffees.
It has become a habit to speed. to drive at at least a hundred.
Today I got a little too adventurous and hit 140.
It doesn't feel too fast until things start flying over when I have a sharp turn.
It's probably the empty roads,
or the dark and damp atmostphere.
Maybe it's just me not paying attention,
allowing my thoughts to wander
or maybe it's just class 95 without a DJ.
There's no Glenn. There's no FD. There's no one.
Getting up at 5am
Leaving the house for school at 5:30.
Sometimes I'll drive.
Sometimes I don't
If I do, I'll bring along my laptop
If I don't I'll not bring a lot of stuffs.
If I do, I'll make myself instant coffee in school.
If I don't, I'll get some coffee at the interchange.
I had a realisation this morning,
that my coffee has no aroma at all.
It's perhaps why it taste so sucky too.
Can't expect much from cheap coffees.
It has become a habit to speed. to drive at at least a hundred.
Today I got a little too adventurous and hit 140.
It doesn't feel too fast until things start flying over when I have a sharp turn.
It's probably the empty roads,
or the dark and damp atmostphere.
Maybe it's just me not paying attention,
allowing my thoughts to wander
or maybe it's just class 95 without a DJ.
There's no Glenn. There's no FD. There's no one.
This morning, I dont know why
but i needed someone to be with me.
quite urgently.
A someone to give me that smile of assurance before i head school
But what's to reassure about.
And who's to be available at this wee hour.
I had another understanging about friends last night.
I talked to wen and jon when i needed them
They were busy with revision but they insisted I should say.
They listened.
Said heart-warming things that made everything turn on the right track again
It's way more effective than keyboard, drawing, cooking or even music theraphy.
It's way better than milk, banana or chocolate theraphy.
When you open out your hearts, you realise there's a lot of people who care,
sometimes someone you dont expect.
And even though your problems are nonsensical or illogical according to jon,
he'll make you feel like any problem's just too sutpid for you exhaust time brooding over.
It has become a habit to be the first car in the adm carpark
It has become a habit to park at the exact same lot.
It has become a habit to forgot to turn the rear view mirrors in
This morning. I woke up at 3 instead.
It was a little different, I didn't have a hard time to get myself up.
Made some pasta.
Tried on the apron from jing
Cleared the laundry
and watched some morning tv before heading for school.
I parked my car. Breeze through the empty rooms at B1
There isn't much people in adm today.
Quite a nice surprise in this cold morning.
It's prolly because it's a sunday, most people some on saturdays.
But there's a few hardworking souls who stayed thru the night.
I've grown to love to work on sundays.
Partially because of the slightly empty rooms.
I have this fear for crowds of people who I know.
They prolly have to work like chinese ancient handscrolls;
reviewing to me few by few, batch by batch.
And this morning,
I have my almond nuts.
And hot coffee.
It feels a little too good to be true.
But there's no one.
I'll get over that.