Sunday, December 30, 2007 ♥
24th December 2007
It's christmas eve, baby! Spent in a hotel room at Grand Copthorne with zues (including johnson, david, gerald, joey, kianhai, suyun, boonbee, vanessa and yvonne). It was the best Christmas ever. Everyone was high and honestly, I suffered from withdrawal symptoms even though we met up again on boxing day. It's like the post-orientation kinda feeling, you know? I really do love these people.
25th December 2007
Christmas was spent resting, rotting and simply enjoying the slow-paced life with a cuppa latte and snuggling in bed.
26th December 2007
Tanning at Sentosa with Johnson and Boonbee because someone didn't turn up as agreed. She was supposed to go cycle with me as I didn;t wanna tan hurs. I did talk a lot that day. A little too much I think. Met Gerald and had dinner at Fig and Olive at Vivocity. I had some mango sandwhich and it wasn't fantastic but there's compensation made with the company I'm with. In addition, I didn't get darker after the tan. All thanks to the thick layers of sunblock I applied. So in conclusion, it was a splendid day. After that, we traveled down to cck after that for our usual routine of tau-huay. This is round, it was accompanied by chee-kway. Chee-kway is disgusting by the way, so is chee chiong fun.
27th December 2007
Met Bengleong for a iridaoogy test at cityhall. Wen and shirhee accompanied me there. I'm so sorry I was so slow. Then we had subway (my favourite) and met yiru and silli at paragon and had bowls of soup at soupspoon (another of my favourite) before heading down to shirhee's place.
28th December 2007
04s62 gathering! We met at settlers at holland village and had hours of fun with taboo and another-game-which- forgot-the-name. I wasn't very pleased with the service there. And I've already listed it under my "condemned-list". But overall was great. And I got myself a cuppa warm milk from coffee bean before getting myself a free ride home from hester and her boyfriend. First time in a car drove by her. And if you're asking, yes, I am still alive.
29th December 2007
Another day of nothingness. Happy belated birthday Joey. You're the nicest guy ever and I can never imagine my life without you (thanks for being my street directory all these while.) loves.
30th December 2007
This is the day. I met up with xiuming (aka siew mai aka heather aka xiu xiu) and got my first DSLR - D400 Canon. More updates and more pictures from this camera soon. For now, it's coffee prince and pushing daisies from tudou.com
Labels: camera, christmas, fun, happy, sajc, sisters, zufamily
Tuesday, December 25, 2007 ♥
Basically, i have became Samantha.
That's not exactly how if feels like.
At least it wasn't like this at that point of time.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007 ♥
Hmmm. It feels like someone snatched your favourite teddy.
It feels like you've been abandoned on the streets
Then you see it.
Your teddy
In someone else's hands
Across the street.
And when that person turns around.
You reaslie it's your friend.
She didn't notice you.
But you don't hate her.
You hated the teddy instead.
real man
Saturday, December 08, 2007 ♥
i saw something interesting over at blankcanves.
(from a lesbian to man)
1. Quit whining
I absolutely detest men who whine. The cost of petrol has gone up? Don’t drive. Can’t cope with your workload? Bring it up to Management or quit. Singaporean women are too materialistic? Don’t date them, live up to their expectations, or go buy yourself a wife from some third world country. Quit whining and get with the fucking programme. Do you need the government or your mummy to tell you what to do?
me - **rolls eyes** i think i talked about this in a previous entry before
2. Ladies first
Entrances, food orders, conversations. A man with manners would let a lady go first. Just in case we have pea brains reading this, perhaps I should elaborate further:
- Entrances:
Doors aren’t really that heavy, trust me. It won’t break your arm opening one for a lady to enter first.
- Food orders:
Here’s where a lot of gentlemen wannabies go wrong. It’s your job to order for the lady before yourself, and not have her cite her own order before yours.
- Conversations:
There is a bloody reason why the ladies always complain that you never listen.
3. A man of his word
If you make a promise, you keep it no matter what. A man worthy of his cock knows that actions speak louder than words.
4. I believe this is yours…
The equation is fairly simple. Your decision = the consequence = your responsibility. Unfortunately, given how spoilt rotten our precious sons are compared to our second class daughters, I don’t see a lot of local men with balls to accept responsibilities for their own actions.
me - speaking of this, it reminded me of this close friend of my sister who just went for an abortion recently. Her THIRD abortion. Yes. And I have talked to her before. She's really a nice girl. And golly fu*king shit I dont know why she's always stuck with crap - guys who make her go through the pain of abortion and still thinks it's okay. I mean seriously, if a guy make you go through this shit, it is time to ask for a break-up.
5. Don’t make someone else do your work
I detest skivers, both men and women alike. If you’d like for someone else to do your work, have the decency to pay for his or her time. And don’t you dare take his or her credit.
6. Be decisive
Make a decision and stick by it. Don’t be a wuss and spend 20 minutes wondering if you should buy a pink or blue Paul Smith shirt. How the hell are you supposed to lead a company if you can’t even decide on the color of a damn shirt?
me - geesh. i am damn guilty of indecisiveness
7. Admit to mistakes
Only when you recognize your shortcomings then can improvements begin. And that’s why a good amount of us stay in the same vicious cycle making the same mistakes time and time again.
8. Rolling your own moolah
A real man does not take pride in driving daddy’s sexy Maserati; he knows he didn’t earn it. A real man takes pride in making 1/10th of what his dad makes, only because he has done so on his own.
9. David Beckham effect
I have no idea what warrants a man to demand any respect from me should he spend more time in front of the mirror than I do. Unless of course, he is gay. If that’s the case, I’d probably want to pick up new styling tips from him.
me - david Beckham effect's acceptable for me though. lols. we could go shopping together.
In fact I like guys who are aware of grooming.
10. Not everyone’s as encouraging as your mother
There will be times when you, your work, or perhaps even your uglyfuck face, get criticized by others. Don’t get personal, get even. Prove them wrong. Else, pay a visit over the weekend to your mother and have her reboot your ego system.
me - like what i told wen. I want guys who have confidence of themselves. A little higher than an average guy. But I can't stand the egoistic guys. But ego nd confidence tend to overlap. No wonder I'm still single. lols.
Labels: guy
Friday, December 07, 2007 ♥
Oh golly god. The ex-colleague i used to hate the most was crowed the superstart of the fnb industry. Oh my god. Eweeks.
Oh golly god. The ex-colleague i used to hate the most was crowed the superstart of the fnb industry. Oh my god. Eweeks.
Thursday, December 06, 2007 ♥
Aries & A-TypePersonality:
You are perceived to be passive, warm-hearted and quiet. However, you do own strong pride and ego, which no one can convert. You have the instinct of a pioneer and that is why you enjoy competing under competitive circumstances. This is why you fit for as a natural leader. Be careful of your destructive, hot temper. Sometimes it is necessary to show gentle expressions on your face.
Love Tendency:
You have trouble expressing your feelings but you have all the romanticism stored in your mind. Now you just have to try to get this across to your partner because you are not the typical one-night-stand style of person. You wish your partner would understand your mood swings a little more because that is basically the only negative trade about you. After all, your wish is to just meet someone and keep a long relationship. Who knows if this is the person for marriage?
Your strong, competitive spirit is a great asset for your future career. Employers really respect you because you are responsible and diligent. One day you will be acknowledged for that. Avoid stepping on other people or else you will hear that you are a tactless man. Take solid, small steps during your middle ages because you can experience a big downfall for that.
Good Match:
Your most compatible match can be a Gemini, Aries, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius of O and AB blood types. You can say that this is love at first sight. Attraction with them occurs almost instantly because you share the same instinctive feelings. This is chemistry at its peak! Those of O-type have this certain aura that can lead you toward the proper direction of life. The reason why you are compatible with the above AB-types is because they provide you with this certain level of comfort zone nobody else can give to you. A-types of the above-mentioned zodiac signs are also ok.
Bad Match:
Try to avoid B-types of Cancers or Capricorns. This Cancer asks for constant attention and can be too temperamental for you. You will get sick and tired of these tantrums eventually feel that you want out of this relationship. B-type Capricorns sometimes become too selfish for you and they have the tendency to hurt your feelings verbally and emotionally.
omg. all i can say is, this is so freakin true.
There's a lot of people around me falling sick these days. wenwen, daren, michelia, sister, jon. Get well soon alrights! Be strong and healthy like me! lols. (:
Labels: blood type, horroscope, personality test